Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Big Bang Theory, Part II

Some time ago (and probably on a blog that is no longer operating) I did a review of the PBS commedy "The Big Bang Theory." A very funny sitcom about physics Ph.D.s. Like most commedies it makes accurate if exagerated play on various personalities typical of the subject.

Well recently I found out that the science advisor for the show is Dr. David Saltzberg who I TAed for in Winter of 2002. He is a great and funny guy and does an excellent job of keeping the physics on track. Not only that, but the actors came by UCLA to study how physicists act. So if I had stayed just a bit longer, some of their actions could have been based on me.

I wrote Dave about it and he said he'd be glad to get me into a filming some time. Maybe I'll get really lucky and meet one of the actors. More to follow I hope.


Kristi said...

That would be pretty awesome! Maybe they'll be so impressed (or horrified! ;-) ) by you that they will make a character based on you!

Jessica said...

Ooh, Ooh, Oooooh! I wanna come!