Monday, May 25, 2009


This sign was posted in the bathroom for the physics offices at Los Angeles City College. We didn't make it, but I thought the assymetry in the English and Spanish instructions was interesting.

If you can't tell, both English and Spanish start by saying "Please Keep the Restroom Clean." Both end with "Thank You", but the Spanish adds a the extra line, "Don't throw paper on the floor." And I keep asking myself, is that cultural, racist, or what gives?

1 comment:

Arnold said...

I think it is very definitely racist or at least linguist (if that word means distinguishing by language instead of race). But it begs the question whether economy of language ever justifies linguism. Presumably, one could argue that adding that phrase in English would have confused as many readers as including the Spanish phrase enlightened. And if prohibition leads to experimentation then we've worsened the situation by trying to avoid racism.