Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is an odd movie at best, but certainly very interesting and very well acted. It tells the story of a man born with the infirmities of an 85 year old man who then proceeds to age backwards. It is largely a study on death starting with his childhood (in a retirement home) and ending with his own death as he regresses toward infancy. It is also an exploration of how we build a life, and how the flow of time is a uniform reference that we depend on. Growing younger instead of older he has certain experiences at abnormal times in his life and others such as establishing a long term relationship are nearly impossible.

The movie is very long but never really drags. Excellent acting from an impressive cast Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt center the cast, but the supporting cast is equally important and impressive. It is very emotional and generally poignant. So yes it is likely to win some oscars and I would recommend it.

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