I was looking at boats on Craigslist, just for fun. Unfortunately, the problem with looking is that you might find something you would really like but can't get. I have no problem passing over the $35,000+ yachts or even the boats that are just a few thousand. But I ran across a guy selling two sabots for $600 total. Now the other complete sabots I've seen have been more than $600 each, and even the cheapest versions are probably $1500-$2000 new. And it would be the perfect boat to teach Libby how to sail in. She is the only one that has shown a real interest, and is just barely to the point that she could learn in a sabot.
As you can see, I can make justifications adnauseum, but sooner or later I have to face the facts. I have a perfectly good boat that I don't use enough (a bit big for Libby to learn, but with me in the boat over the next few years . . .) and I don't have $600 (or even $300) burning a hole in my pocket.
(I wonder if I could buy both then sell one for $600. Probably, but still a bad idea. See I can't stop.)
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